Advantages and Disadvantages of Podcast Marketing
When speaking about podcast as a content marketing tool, one should take some time to understand what podcasting is.
Podcasting represents a digital evolution of radio broadcasting, involving making one or more audio or video files that are released episodically and often downloaded through internet syndication and in MP3 format. This however does not include music or movie downloads.
Now, from a business point of view, podcasting offers a clear and concise way for marketers and brands to communicate their value proposition to a captive audience. For on-the-go culture, the on-demand feature of podcasting lets businesses and brands tell their story anywhere anytime, helping them establish authority in their industry and creating brand advocates along the way.
While attracting a large audience isn’t immediate, podcasting can be a powerful medium to communicate a range of ideas, products and information to a niche audience.
One of the most outstanding features of a podcast is that it allows people to subscribe. With RSS feed syndication, the audience is alerted when a new podcast is available, eliminating the need to implement a new marketing campaign.
Advantages of Podcast Marketing
How can a podcast be useful? This aspect has to be weighed thoroughly before diving into podcast marketing. So, let’s look at the advantages that podcast marketing brings to the table for all the marketing agencies in Gurgaon. Delhi, across India and the world:
Unlike the other content form, podcasts are very engaging. The readers just have to play and listen, which can be done while cooking, walking, or driving. It’s not something that requires all the attention, and one can multitask while listening to a podcast. Podcasts are very convenient for the audience to follow, and that is why it is becoming more popular among people. Additionally, the brands don’t have to keep trying to reach the target audience. The subscribers will get the latest episodes automatically downloaded upon the release on their favourite device. Podcasts also create active engagement as podcast listeners tend to spend more than 25% of their time listening to podcasts. That is why podcasts are more prominent than anyone would ever think.
Podcasts can be made from anywhere. Some make Podcasts from studios while some prefer home. Many do it from the streets as well. Podcasting requires little money to invest, and anyone can do it on any topic or theme. There is no specific need for a script as well, and if oneis not prepared with a script, one can still have conversational podcasts. Unlike photos and video content, the cost to create podcasts is extremely low.
Drives traffic to websites and boosts SEO strategy
Podcasts provide significant SEO benefits. To do this, whenever one hosts a podcast, make sure that each episode of it has a transcript. Following this, more keywords can be usedto drive traffic to website. The links can be added back to the website, which will definitely drive traffic to the website. Keyword management can be done with the podcast titles and descriptions. Marketers can also publish the episode’s transcript on the written blogs so that it can direct people to the website.
More effective
Podcasts are more effective because the listeners get influenced by what they hear. In a survey of 3,00,000 podcast listeners, 63% affirmed that they bought the product, which was promoted by the show host. People wereasked whether their buying behaviour is affected by a podcast, and 71% affirmed that they had visited the sponsor’s website after listening about it on the show. Neat, isn’t it?
More creative
Unlike radio shows, podcasts are more creative because they are not required to follow the federal law guidelines for their content. That is why they can be more creative with their content and commercials. Podcast ads are unique. The hosts read ads in the tone of the show, which does not sound like a regular promotional message.
More brand visibility
Currently, podcasts are going mainstream, and since the brand name goes online with the podcasts on many platforms, it increases the brand’s visibility. There are many tricks and hacks that can be used to enhance a brand’s visibility through podcasts. One of the most important strategies is to have guests from another podcast. Marketers can also partner with another platform like a blog or Instagram Live options that align with the podcast topic. A podcast is a great medium to cover the key topics in a niche segment and to show the depth of the topic. The listeners from across the world who have an interest in the topic can create a bond with the brand. Therefore, brand visibility and trust can be built better.
Reach new audience
Podcasts allow brands to share knowledge with the relevant audience. The brand can place the Podcast on various platforms like Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and many other platforms. Like this, marketers can reach the target audience, who is interested in the content. This is how a new target market can be developed. The new potential audience will be listening to the podcast and will be interested in the brand’s products.
Develop deeper connections with the audience
Most of thepodcasts sound like a conversation. Most people listen to podcasts while driving, running, or walking. Also, a lot of people listen to the podcast when they are alone. This means that podcasts have a direct effect because it is broadcasted directly into someone’s ears. Podcasts have conversations, stories and experiences which make a brand familiar with them. That is why podcasts can develop deeper connections with their audience.
Podcasts are versatile
Podcasts are known to be versatile. In order to remain fresh, a digital marketing podcast often includes new topics and themes. These include sports, health, stories, reviews, news, etc. Moreover, podcasts can be converted into blogs and vice versa. Videos can also be converted into podcasts. Every podcast can be shared on social media channels to reach different segments of audiences to turn them into customers.
Disadvantages of Podcast Marketing
Podcasts allow brands to deliver an audio or video recording to people interested in the business. While they can be an effective way to build brand awareness and to attract people to the products and services, they also include a few downsides.
Creating and editing a podcast is time taking. Planning the direction of the podcast, thinking of a theme, writing the podcast itself and then creating it all takes time, to the tune of several hours. One podcast a week won’t interfere too much with the business operations, but daily or multiple weekly podcasts may cause problems.
Target audience
Podcasts can and do work for certain business by helping build the company’s brand image and reaching out to consumers. However, not all businesses are positioned to connect with their target audience through podcasts.
Legal trouble
It’s natural to want to include music or video on the podcast, but doing so could be troublesome, from legal point of view. To add copyrighted music or video to a podcast, permission from the owner of the song or video is a must. Otherwise, one may be sued.
Connecting with people
A podcast needs to immediately grab a person’s interest and then hold onto it. Depending on the content of your podcasts, that’s often easier said than done. Text is an effective source of content because people can scan each section to find what they want and what interests them. That’s more difficult to do with video. If you appear nervous or don’t have a clear, engaging voice, it’s much easier for a person to exit your podcast and go search for other content.