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Geofencing Marketing Strategy

Geofencing Marketing Strategy

In today’s world, most people spend a lot of their time on the mobile. Understandably this time is spent on various apps that fulfil the needs of the person. This phenomenon presents another potential source of engagement for marketers. The Geofencing technology available today also presents many opportunities for marketers to boost their return on investment.

Geofencing advertising, sometimes referred to as geofencing marketing, is the application of a virtual boundary around a location, in which certain rules are applied when a mobile device enters or leaves.

Understanding how to get geofencing marketing correctly is the stepping stone for any brand. Strategies must ensure that the efforts reap the maximum profit. Hence marketers should keep a few things in mind while drawing a plan for this model of marketing.

Let’s have a look:

*Choose the right size: Companies often tend to jump into geofencing without giving it much thought. This can lead to oversized geofences, which won’t drive results. The best way to combat this is to create small, compact perimeters. Marketers must keep in mind the general rule of geofencing advertising which is that the targeted area, or fenced-in area, should be only a four-to-five-minute walking distance from the store. It can be increased to a four- or five-minute drive which is the maximum benchmark. This is to make it convenient for users to visit the store.

*Research the target audience: In any kind of marketing effort, defining the target audience is essential. By understanding who the audience is, as well as what they want, marketers can create a target area that will drive results. Additionally, ads can be developed accordingly to engage shoppers and encourage them to purchase.

*Making ads actionable: It’s worth noting that marketers should develop ads that do not look like spam or self-serving communication. It always helps that while promoting a new product, if brands invite users to try it versus telling them to buy it. With this approach, brands can guide the potential crowd through the buying funnel in a natural and a much organic way.

*Review data on a routine basis: It really helps when brands optimize the success of the geofencing marketing campaign, as well as other digital marketing efforts. This can be done by reviewing the data on a routine basis. This is crucial as without checking, marketers won’t know how the campaign is faring.

*Use all targeting techniques: In geofencing marketing, one can use several outside marketing techniques, like:

  • Context targeting: This is a targeting option that shows an ad that’s relevant to the content on the page.
  • Content targeting: This targeting tool targets keywords used in searches, as well as the intention of those keywords.
  • Retargeting: A targeting strategy for marketing that shows an ad to users that have viewed a product on the website.
  • Dayparting: This is a targeting technique that targets users at certain times of day, better known as ad scheduling.

*Respect privacy: Before using geofencing, it is best to inform app users about tapping into their geographical data and making use of it for sending out deals and promotions. The intent and purpose of the usage of this data should also be explicitly stated, in case there are grievances regarding data usage by third-party apps.

*Battery issues: This is a fundamental point to remember. Because of the continuous usage of GPS in the background, the device batteries of the users may die. Hence, it is paramount to find a geofencing solution that has a low dependency on GPS.

*Actionable CTA: Before setting up a geofencing marketing campaign, check all the engagement notifications triggered by the geofence to have a direct, concise, and actionable CTA for maximum effect. For a well-performing campaign, tracking and analytics is crucial. Marketers must be sure of analysing the collected data from the user’s side and location activity to make well-informed decisions.

*Set up an app: Setting up an app dedicated to geofencing marketing is the most vital aspect of the campaign. Geofencing marketing will not work without an app. It needs to be understood that an app that complements geofencing can help brands engage with their users in real-time and boost conversations to increase sales.

Like many digital marketing tools, geofencing marketing has the potential to support and complement digital marketing and advertising strategies for brands. Though it is fairly new, many brands and companies are either using it or are contemplating doing the same. And the above points can help in creating a full-proof plan to get the best results.