Out-of-the-box Mobile Unboxing videos done by the Creative Agency
Unboxing is usually considered a fairly banal but essential activity for smartphone brands. However, we unboxed the Comio smartphones via a uniquely creative unboxing activity. The three flagship smartphones were unboxed at prominent youth hubs via a respected reviewer ‘unbiased blog’, taking unboxing to an altogether different level. Each of the phones was unboxed in an engaging, entertaining and interactive manner at a location that resonated with the product’s main USP. Comio P1, with its 5000 mAh battery and the power to last, was unboxed at a Gym along with youth that considers power and stamina to be paramount. Comio S1, known for its trendy looks, was unboxed at an upmarket café where the unboxer interacted with the style conscious youth. Comio C1, a value proposition with hi-fi music feature, was unboxed at a college campus along with value and entertainment conscious college goers. As expected, the unboxing video reviews gathered unprecedented organic momentum and went viral, creating a lot of buzz and earned media across digital portals prior to the highly anticipated market launch.